Airwick - My favourite Job
Airwick commercial, playing an Angel (“And Howe” productions). I have a VHS copy available. I auditioned along with thousands of children for the opportunity to be one of the main angels in an Airwick commercial. The commercial was filmed in Sheperton Studios in London and this is my favourite modelling Job. Airwick is like a glade plug in air freshener. The idea behind the commercial was that once you plugged Airwick in your socket, Airwick angels and pixies would fly into your room and make it smell sweet. I had to wear a special harness with metal cables to make me fly. The shoot was long and it took a whole day to get it right, it was great, I really loved it.
Here the director is teaching us how to fly. You can see the metal cables coming from our pretty wings.
I am on the right. The other model looked so much like me that the crew thought she was my twin sister.
This was a good experience for me because I didn't realise how many people and how much work it took to make a commercial.
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